Sep 15, 2007

MLM Landing Page

MLM Landing Page To Build Your Business Online and Your LIST

This article will cover a few key points about building your list and your business with a generic MLM Landing Page. It’s important to realize we all maybe marketing a product or a service that we are not allowed to use their website to promote online. This in mind we need to generate our own MLM Landing Page. I would like start off by saying having your own MLM Landing Page is a great positioning tool because you can generate even more sign ups to your list then just using your own company’s website.

You might be thinking WHY? Well for starters you can choose to go any route you want to reach your targeted audience without risking your company policy and procedure rules and regulations. The other BIG factor is you can use a generic approach so you can set up a funded proposal this will be a great way to generate extra money so you can keep advertising going on a consistent basis. You might be thinking well, what is a funded proposal? That is a great question. A funded proposal is something that will fund the front end of what you are marketing online. This being said, if we are to set up a business online marketing any product or service we should consider a funded proposal so we can generate more front end sales to allow us to keep advertising our own primary business. This will set up a steady stream of money and leads to build your list so you can show your primary business equally at the same time. I think you can see what I am saying now! A great way to build your priamry business online.

I know you are thinking okay, I have the MLM Landing Page down and I know about a funded proposal. What about building this list is it really that important? Yes, it’s VITAL. Your list is your lifeline to your customers that will join your business. You must learn how to develop relationships. The best relationships are built over time. Keep in mind when you decide to use a generic MLM landing page linked with a funded proposal you will have half the marketing battle set up automatically.

The second part you must remember is how will you get all this done step by step and with free training and support. You know something really easy to apply step by step with copy and paste methods so you can teach your down line the same so they can achieve the same results. I have great news we have all this set up and running full speed now with well over 200K members. We work a complete proven success guide and we have tons of video and recorded and LIVE trainings you can plug into to get yourself started on the best way to set up and use a generic MLM Landing Page to grow your business and your list equally.

Get more details below sign up today!

Questions contact me anytime

Michael Galante


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