May 6, 2009


We all know no matter what you are building or selling online it all starts with great ads. You need to make sure you are reaching your prospect with what they need and want. We know this but we sometimes do the complete opposite when we position our product or service or business for that matter. Do you know WHY? I think it's because we get caught up with what we have we think it's the best and everyone wants it no matter what. This mind set is not always good. Why? Keep in mind not everyone will want what you have to market or sell. We must think of how to reach the prospects looking for what we have. I know this a loaded statement. Think about this for a second when you are looking for a solution what do you do online? If you are saying, I would do a Google search for an answer. The answer is yes, many I mean many people do the same thing. So what does this have to do with building your own business? It has everything to do with you own business starting with the right ad to reach your new prospect. If this is done correctly you will be pre-selling what you have to market online.

Why is pre-selling so important? If you pre sell correctly you will bring the new prospect right to what you are marketing and or selling and the sale will be made almost automatically. Keep in mind doing your pre selling will take some time and tracking to see what is working and what is not working. To track what you are doing set up a website URL tracking service here are a couple of great ones you can use even on a free trial for a short time. The first one is or These two services that can help you track what ads are working and what are not. If you are a serious online marketer you should use a website URL tracking service it will save you so much time and money.

Now let us go back to reaching your online prospect with a solution to the problem they are looking to solve. Keep in mind your ads should be very clear and simple but bring them to the solution with your website. Make sure the website you bring your prospect to will be easy to navigate. This will make the new prospect keep clicking through to allow the sign up and or sale. There are many ways you can get this done online at a FREE level it will just take some time on your end to set up the right positioning and ads to target your key audience. The first thing you should consider is what is your product and or service will best help or provide and then target this area for online solutions to pre sell to all your new online prospects with the right targeted ads. I do teach this topic so if you would like to discover more check out my website. You will find out what we teach is proven and FREE 100% generic training so you bring your whole team if you would like to allow them to learn what you are learning as well. To find out more go here

To Your Success,

Your Marketing Helper,

Michael Galante

1-631-363-0079 EST

SKYPE ID# Michael.Galante5


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